PICS 2 PIXELS is a bulk photo scanning service priced at just 99c a scan*

Why you should have your photos scanned:
Save them! You’ll have backups of your prints, preserved for future generations.
Save space! Once scanned, you may bin your prints to save storage space.
Display them on digital photo frames, computers, TVs, smartphones, tablets, et al.
Make slideshows for weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries, celebrations, etc.
Add them to videos.
Easily use them on social media.
Manipulate/enhance them in Photoshop-type programs if wish.
Print them anytime you like, and you can ...
Avoid sibling strife! Have your parents’ albums scanned so you all have copies of their photos and photo ownership does not become a bone of contention.
NB Save money by sharing the cost of scanning with your siblings/other stakeholders. Documents up to A4 may also be scanned.
* 99c per scan for a minimum of 100 loose photos: for very large numbers of photos contact us for a discount; for scanning from albums contact use for more info.
Contact us here with any queries or to book your PICS 2 PIXELS service.